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Insights on students in Australia

  • Locations covered
  • Unique users analyzed ~77,000
  • Study period June 2015


Australia is one of the world's most popular centers for higher education, with over 985,000 local students in a total population of roughly 24 million. An additional 330,000 international students, representing 25% of all students in Australia, attend classes in the country. To gain insight into this substantial market segment, we examined the student footfall traffic for Australia's five most populous cities: Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide.

This report examines the footfall trends for students at three universities in each of the selected cities. The unique users were tracked by gender, age, content consumption, footfall by international students, frequency of visits and time preference.

The data we collected during this month-long study is presented here in term of city-specific trends, as well as in the form of market-specific demographic data.

Some of the questions that the study will answer

  • Which universities were popular across the cities in Australia?
  • What were the demographic trends of students in Australia?
  • Which age group preferred which university?
  • At what time of the day were most students seen in the respective universities?
  • What were the digital interests of students across the universities?
  • What university was preferred by international students?
  • Which international country students contributed most to Australian universities?
  • What were the other places, respective university students were found at?

Universities included

  • Perth: Curtin University, University of Western Australia (UWA) and Murdoch University
  • Adelaide: University of Adelaide, University of South Australia (University of SA) and Flinders University
  • Melbourne: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), The University of Melbourne and Monash University
  • Sydney: University of Technology Sydney (UTS), University of Sydney and University of Western Sydney (UWS)
  • Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Queensland University and Bond University